Create EC2 instance

In this step we will learn how to create EC2 instance

The architecture overview after you complete this step will be as follows:

  1. Go to EC2 console
  2. click on launch instance lambda-1
  3. In the EC2 form :
  • name the EC2 instance as EC2-RDS
  • click Amazon linux
  • choose Amazon linux 2 AMI
  • choose the 64 bit architecture lambda-1
  • choose t3.mirco as instance type
  • then click create new key pair lambda-1
  • In the new key pair form :
    • name the new key as RDS-key
    • key pair type as RSA
    • private key format as .pem
    • click create key pair lambda-1
  • In the network setting click edit
  • choose the VPC-RDS as the VPC that we just created
  • choose the only subnet in VPC-RDS
  • choose auto assign IP enable
  • click select exiting security group
  • choose the security group we just created SCG-RDS
  • then click launch instance lambda-1
  1. In instance copy the instance public ip address lambda-1